• Masks are required everywhere in our community for all staff and visitors (and any resident who can wear a mask in a safe and effective manner).
  • All visitors and professionals are screened for symptoms and temperatures prior to entering the community.
  • All professionals (Hospice, VNA, private aides) must provide proof of vaccination status.
  • All staff must be vaccinated per Rogerson protocol and DPH and EOEA regulations.
  • All residents are vaccinated
  • Staff are tested weekly and residents tested every other week. Any non-vaccinated staff with an exemption are tested prior to every shift.
  • All visitors must be masked at all times and may not eat or drink during their visit.
  • We request that visits are scheduled in advance so we can manage the number of visitors to our building. Same-day calls are welcome.
  • Visits must take place either in residents’ rooms or community designated space.
  • Residents who have tested positive may not have visitors during their isolation per the DPH and EOEA guidelines.
  • Visitors who have tested positive must follow the DPH/EOEA guidelines and refrain from visiting until the completion of a 10-day isolation.
  • Visitors who have had a COVID-19 exposure may resume visits after the completion of a 7-day quarantine.